Prymos GmbH
Gerbermühlstraße 9
60594 Frankfurt/Main
Phone: +49 (0) 69 6605939 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 69 6605939 - 29
Managing Director: Peter Holzamer
VAT ID No DE 266 960 371
Municipal court
Frankfurt am Main - HRB 86475


For the personal data, which will be taken when using the online-shop, is responsible the company Prymos GmbH, Gerbermühlstraße 9, 60594 Frankfurt am Main, phone 069-6605939-0, fax 069-6605939-29, availability Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., e-mail, managing director Peter Holzamer.

Our privacy practices are in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and other legal regulations on data protection. We will only collect and use your personal data for the execution of your order unless you would like to make use of additional services. In order to execute and deliver your order, we only pass on your data to the delivery service, which we have contracted with the delivery.

On your request we will inform you free of charge about the recorded data to your person or pseudonym. If you would like this, please send a message to We are also obliged to correct, to block or to delete your data on your demand.

This online shop uses the modern technologies Cookies and JavaScript for the system of the shopping basket. Please leave them switched on. A “Cookie” is a small data file, which will be transferred from us to your computer, if you visit our websites. A Cookie can only contain information, which we send to your computer - it is not possible to select your private data. If you accept Cookies on our website, we have no access to your personal data but can identify your computer with the help of Cookies.


  • in order to fill and administrate your shopping basket during your order process.
  • in order to find the articles which you have looked at lastly.
  • in order to better design our website to the requirements of our customers.

We use Cookies related to a session: they will not remain permanently on you computer but will be deleted after 30 minutes of inactivity. With the help of the collected information we can analyse the pattern and structure of the usage of our website. Thus, we can further optimise our website by improving the content or the personalisation and by simplifying the usage. Most browsers accept Cookies by default. You can permit or prohibit temporary and saved Cookies independently of each other in the safety settings. If you deactivate Cookies certain features of our website might not be available and some website might not be displayed correctly.

The data we save in our Cookies will not be linked with your personal data (name, address etc.). Without your explicit approval, we will not link data we save in our Cookies with your personal data (name, address etc.).

If you want to use our shopping basket, you have to allow temporary Cookies! Certain security apps might block that. If necessary, please order from another computer or by Fax or mail.

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis app of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “Cookies”, data, which will be saved on your computer and which enable an analysis of your usage of the website. The information of your usage of the website generated by the Cookie will normally be transferred to a server of Google in the US and will be saved there. In case of activating the IP-anonymisation on the website, your IP-address of Google will be shortened within the member states of the European Union or in other contractual states of the agreement about the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases, the full IP-address will be transferred to a server of Google in the US and will be shortened there. On behalf of the operator of the website, Google will use this information in order analyse the usage of the website, in order to compile reports about the website activities and in order to provide further services in relation to the usage of the website or the internet to the operator of the website. The IP-address, which is transferred by your browser in context of Google Analytics, will not be brought together with other data of Google. You can prevent the saving of Cookies with the corresponding settings of your browser app; however, we point out that in this case not every functions of the website might be used to the full extent. Moreover, you can prevent the transfer of data about your usage of the website (incl. your IP-address) generated by the Cookie to Google, by download and install the browser plug-in available under the following link:
Further information about the terms of use and privacy protection you will find under or under, respectively. We point out that on this website Google Analytics has been expanded by the code “gat._anonymizeIp();“ in order to ensure an anonymised recording of the IP address (so called IP-masking).


Replicating of parts or the whole internet website in any form is only permitted with the written permission of the publisher. These websites were established to the best of knowledge. Despite extraordinary diligence we cannot take responsibility for possible mistakes as well as for the accuracy of provided data and information. Thus, the publishers exclude every liability. This applies also for all directly or indirectly quoted websites, on which will be referred to. Hereby, we explain explicitly that we have no influence at all on the design and the content of all links installed on our websites. We explicitly distance ourselves from all content of all links installed on our website and we do not appropriate these contents. This declaration applies to all links shown on our websites and for all contents of websites, which banners and links on our websites are linked to.

Responsible for the technical development

Agavenstr. 22
33699 Bielefeld

in cooperation with

VisionMedia Consulting
Marsstr. 8a
33739 Bielefeld